The monters comes mixed with the shadows of the night, with deaf steps, when dreams dream and lead us to the meeting of aventure. My mother told me one day that were nightmares, not to be afraid of them, that they are just fantasies invented by our head, but I knew that they have a name on this land. I cried softly moaning when the door opened slowly. The monters are close and I had to fight them. Amidst the sticky mist a white horse snorted and from their nostrils comes the fire of my wrath, my revolt. Natty I wield my sword and translucent blue that glowed in black and gave me confidence, it was "soul" to his name, knew it now ...
Everything around me was silenced in the doldrums, as desired oasis in the midst of the storms of the desert and the dream flowed. One figure stood out the meanders of fog, high and mighty. increasingly, each time more clear to me walking, plotted by age, with wrinkles defying the serene face, leaving in each of his wisdom.
- Grandfather? What are you doing here? I missed you so much ... you come to get me? I'm so afraid, I have a soul and I don't know what to do with it! You always tell me bedtime stories, You always protegeste me of the dangers of dreaming .. You told me that life would be what I wanted since that I learned, understand it and live it knew and now grew a soul within me ... Smile why? I'm sad and scared ...you went to heaven as mother says? Lulluby me again in your voice!
- Come and sit on my knee. I'll tell you the story of the soul ... the one that you that you fence as sword and gives you that glow warrior, and with it you can fight all the monsters in your life since you know how to use it, feed it, making you a boy each better and wiser. Do not be afraid of the "soul" because it is just what thou art, you'llbe and shalt thou wast. Alma means "animating" and it is what gives color to your body. It is the sum of good and bad things that you conquered and give you your personality, love for people, friends, family, your way of living and thinking, the willingness to help, comply with the duties, the learn, namely to give, tolerance, the vanity, the pride but also humility and understanding, acknowledge the error and so many, many things ... that's what makes the beauty of a person, this is what we want they found inside us, and so they like. As you see there is no need to be afraid. fear comes when we can not control a wise way our emotions and tendencies ... when we steal, when we harm others when we are incapable of knowing what is right or wrong, we do not know when to forgive ... but you're just a kid, and you'll have a lifetime to beings 'soul'. Now wielding your sword "soul" and will go to conquer your world. Defeat all the monsters and ghosts that appear and follow the way that you plloted in each day lived..
-Grandfather, do not go yet ... I'm so sorry to miss you and the dreams are not enough to erase the void you left in me ... sometimes it hurts me so much that the tears screams but my mother says that are missings. ..
Jorge d'alte