quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2012


Petite fleure
caché de lumière
est arrivé l’heure
tu es sincère
et avec ton miel

tu éclat mon ciel

Je suis la nuit                                                              Où l’amour est vrai
La lune qui luit
Comme rêve que j’ai
Embrasse nos cœurs

Comme souris de fleurs

Donne moi tes mains
Aime ce moment
L’âme sons pleins
Comme firmament
Où l’étoile c’est moi

où le soleil c’est toi

Jorge d'Alte

terça-feira, 16 de outubro de 2012


You were the fire burning lava on my skin
wandering in the desires that I felt inside in screams.
Softy cloud I flew beyond all
and when the night is over
I held you inner my soul,
The dream was you!
Blind and lost with the heart wound
I cried your name loudly
in every tear shed running as blood.
I was just a beautiful stone that you find around
bewitching you! Savoring each of your feelings.
You made me a diamond
Shining just for you
With tenderness you caress it
 with love you gave me to the moon
and then was only loneliness
when you threw me into the madness hole.
I walk the streets like a ghost
with bitterness as shadow
youth fled from my face
in a crying of a baby
and you? Where you’re?
A mad man with many wives
names that cuts me as knives
But I still love you!
and if rain does not fall there outside
rain my painful tears in my heart inside
But…still I love him!

Jorge d'Alte

quarta-feira, 10 de outubro de 2012

I left behind the noise of the music crazy, the colorful neon lights, the empty glasses. I felt myself lost in the magnificence of that sea, mirror of the soul where there was everything, despair, distance, doubt and passion.The sea knocked loose in murmured waves, sometimes angry that ran along the sand. He stay there the foaming contours  of his fury licking my bare feet. Behind me the footprints marked my past, but it was in the future that I was looking the eyes that marked my soul, and there he was one step ahead of my horizon and I could not catch it up.I looked at the dry sky riddled with small dots that told me one day that they're stars,but  that were also golden souls going up and up to God. The moon had peeked from the racing clouds moments before,but had seen storms and so had taken refuge.I sat on the ancient stone , smooth and slippery as life up there.I called God without voice begged him the favor os a hurt heart..eyes closed and in the hoping I flew.Wings were my fervor,feathers were my pains and the horizont smiles me with its light when I folded it and downslope of the sun that falls I saw her preety face drowning me with her smile and lips dropped on one another in the deep chasm that evokes the senses and brings the love.

Jorge d'Alte

Deixei para trás o ruído da musica maluca, das luzes coloridas de neon os copos vazios.Senti-me perdido na magnificência daquele mar, espelho da alma onde havia de tudo, desespero, distancia, duvidas e paixão. O mar batia solto em vagas murmuradas, por vezes iradas que corriam pela areia fora. Deixara ficar ali os contornos espumosos da sua fúria lambendo os meus pés nus. Atrás de mim as pegadas  marcavam o meu passado, mas era no futuro que eu procurava os olhos que marcavam a minha alma e ele estava ali um passo à frente do meu horizonte e não o conseguia apanhar. Olhei o céu seco crivado de pontinhos que me disseram um dia serem estrelas, mas que também eram almas douradas que subiam, subiam até Deus. A lua tinha espreitado das nuvens corridas momentos antes, mas lobrigara tempestades e por isso se refugiara. Sentei-me na pedra milenar, lisa e escorregadia como a vida até ali. Chamei Deus sem voz, roguei-lhe o seu favor de coração ferido...os olhos fecharam-se na esperança e voei. Eram asas o meu fervor, eram penas as minhas dores e o horizonte sorriu-me com a sua luz quando o dobrei e na curva descendente do sol que caía vi o seu rosto lindo afogando-me com o seu sorriso e os lábios caíram um sobre o outro no abismo profundo que evoca os sentidos e traz o amor...

Jorge D'Alte